Thursday, January 12, 2006

Things that suck: MaidPro

So, I thought it would be nice to have the entire apartment cleaned professionally before the baby comes, as sort of a gift for my wife. I found this place called MaidPro online, and arranged for an estimate this morning. The "Maid Pro" just left. Here's how that went:

MaidPro: So, want 2 bedrooms, living room, dining room, nursery, kitchen. We go through all those with a vaccuum and a "Swifter" type device to light-mop the floors. That should come to...$300.

Me: Whoa. Are you kidding?

MaidPro: No, it should take 2 people about 10 hours, at $30/hr.

Me: What takes so long? We were expecting a bit less than that.

MaidPro: The windows.

Me: How long does it take to do the windows?

MaidPro: 10-15 minutes apiece.

Me: Do your maids have arms?

...and that, dear friends, is my highlight of the day. You should have seen his face. Now I'm fully expecting to get robbed or vandalized.


Andy said...

That's what you get for living in Newton dude. Most of their clients are probably like, just keep whatever money you find lying around on the floor.

Patterson said...

We live in Watertown now...but I see your point. I'm getting Merry Maids to do it, for $150.

Patterson said...

As for my response to Bomber's comment, take a look - see for man dug himself a hole!

Anonymous said...

You should have called the cleaners we had at 20P. They were cheap, didn't speak English, did all the dishes and there is no way they would have taken anything from that house.

Anonymous said...

Umm...that's pretty believable...considering everything in that house came up spotty under a blacklight.

Anonymous said...

Funny...I used that company, MaidPro. They did a great job and it only cost me $125.