Monday, March 27, 2006

Things that don't suck: 41-hour sociology experiments

This kid spent his spring break at Wal-Mart. Unlike the stores around here, the Wal-Marts in the midwest are superstores - they have pharmacies, grocery/produce, restaurants, hair name it. He spent 41 straight hours in one, going undetected. Just blended in with the surroundings. Didn't steal anything, just paid as he went.

Now, the reason I say that this does not suck is simple: this kid, if he's smart, will milk this into a cool million. Write a book, do some TV interviews. Yes, it sucks, he didn't go on Spring Break, but hey - he's only a sophomore, and he can always go next year. And by this time next year, he'll be able to buy a 27' Laveycraft to take out on Lake Havasu.


Anonymous said...

The most shocking part of this whole story was that this stem actually has a girlfriend!

Patterson said...

Yeah, seriously. And she dropped him off at Wal-Mart for Spring Break!